API Description
POST api/resident/movein

Move a resident in to the Conservice System.

POST api/resident/moveout

Move a resident out of the Conservice System emails a final bill to the resident.

POST api/resident/transfer

Transfer a resident between units in the Conservice System.

POST api/resident/estimate

Estimate a resident move out on the conservice system.

POST api/resident/accountlink

Returns an account link for auto login to the Conservice resident account portal.

POST api/resident/ledger

Returns a resident's account ledger as current on the Conservice system.

POST api/resident/validateclient

This is used to validate that the connection to the api is valid.

API Description
POST api/reports/expensebreakdown

Return a Breakdown of Synergy Expenses based on a given property list.

POST api/reports/synergyaccrual

Get the latest Synergy Invoices and Accruals based on a given property list, report date and bill amount cutoff step

API Description
POST api/genericreports/gettotalcommunitycost

Get the cost of utility bills each month for the specific property

POST api/genericreports/getrecoveryqc

Get Recovery QC to determine why we're not billing 100% of the utility expense to the residents at a community

POST api/genericreports/getutilityanalysisbyglcode

Get the Utility Analysis By GL Code

POST api/genericreports/getamliapireport

Get AMLI API Report

API Description
POST api/synergy/funds

Get funds for a property that need approval.

POST api/synergy/approvefunds

Approve funds on the conservice system. Pass property and a list of fundids to be approved. If funds are sent after 4pm MST they are set in a queue for next day approval.